
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Seven Wonders of the World

A group of geography students are studying the seven wonders of the world. At the beginning of the lesson, they were asked to make list what they thought were the seven wonders of the world today. Although there is some inequality, the most votes:

1. Pyramid              

2. Taj Mahal              

3. Great Wall of China             

4. Tower of Pisa              

5. Borobudur Temple              

6. Eiffel Tower             

7. Ka'bah

When collecting a list of choices, the teacher noticed a student, a quiet girl who has not been collecting paper work. So, the teacher asked him if he has trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I can not because there were so many. " The teacher said, "Well, say to us what you have and maybe we can help."
The girl hesitated, then read, I think, seven wonders of the world are:        

1. Can See       

2. Can Hear       

3. Can Touching       

4. Can Loving                 

                    She hesitated again for a while and continue ..       

5. Can Feel        

6. Laugh        

7. And Loving It

The classroom is silent instantly.


What can we learn? So easy we look at human exploitation and called it the magic world, try to ponder what God has given us, we call it all "ordinary". Even without the gift of the eye that God gave to us it is impossible for us to mention the buildings that we consider that miracle.


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