One sunny afternoon, it appears a young hermit was meditating under a tree not far from rivers. When being concentrated focus, attention was divided at the time to listen to sage-sounding gurgling irregular.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked towards the river bank where the sound had originated. Apparently, there appears a crab who is trying hard to put all his ability to reach the banks of the river so it is not washed away by the swift river currents.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked towards the river bank where the sound had originated. Apparently, there appears a crab who is trying hard to put all his ability to reach the banks of the river so it is not washed away by the swift river currents.
Seeing this ascetic feel sorry for, he immediately extended his hand towards the crab to help him. Seeing the outstretched hand with the fingers pinched sprightly hermit crabs. While his finger was injured but the hearts hermit crab satisfied because it could save.
Then he went back hermitage. Not long legs crossed and eyes closed. There was again sound the same sound from the direction of the river bank. Apparently, the crabs had been experiencing the same event. Thus, the sage helped him back and let his finger on the crab claws. After that, it turns out crab dragged again. Thus, the sage helped him again so fingers getting swollen with crab claw clasp.
Seeing the incident, there is an old man who came over and admonished the hermit, "Young man, what you did to help is a good reflection of your heart. But why in order to help you let a crab claw crab hurt you to tears like that? "

Hearing the answer to the hermit, then the old man picked up a twig. He then reached out towards the crab sticks look back against the flow of rivers. Soon the crab with the claws holding the stick. "Look young man, trained to develop the attitude of compassion is good, but must be accompanied by wisdom. If the goal we are good to help other beings, not not have a way to sacrifice yourself. Branch also we can use, right? "
Instantly, the ascetic realized. "Thank you, Uncle. Today I learned something. Developing a love should be accompanied by an uncle taught wisdom. "