When I repeatedly spoke about something that has fed you hear. Have patience to listen, do not cut talk. When you're small I always repeat the story over and over again to tell me you're sleeping.
When I need to bathe me, do not be mad at me. Remember when I had to put all the little ways that you want to take a bath.
While I do not know a thing about technology and new things, not fun. Think about what time I was so impatient to answer every "why"from you.
While I can not walk, Lending a hand is still strong enough to lead me. As I lead you when you learned to walk when still small.
When I was momentarily forgot our conversation, give me time to remember. Actually what was said to me is not important, as long as you're beside me listening, I've been very happy.
When you look at me the starting age, do not grieve. Understand me, supporting me, as I deal with you when you begin to learn to live. At that time, I gave instructions how to live life, now accompany me to run the rest of my life. Give me the love and patience, I will give you a smile full of gratitude, the smile, there are an infinite love for you.

Mother, beautiful women and best for me and for you all, you unfortunately have never gone out and lost even though we are always disappointed her. Mother, where love of God that comes down through the warm embrace of Mother, gentle hands caress MOTHER, MOTHER words that soothe the soul. Women who are so patiently guide us, teach us and accompany us in this life, LOVE YOU MOTHER will not respond with anything other than our service and our devotion to the Mother. Do not waste your time with the mother. . I love Mother.
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