Before you complain do not have anything, think about someone who had to beg in the streets.
Before you complain that you're bad, think about someone who is at its worst in his life.
Before you complain about your partner, think about someone who begged the Lord to be given a life partner.
Before you complain about the fate of your life, think about someone who died too soon.
Before you complain about your children, think about someone who really wants to have children but she was barren.
Before you complain about your dirty house for your helpers fail, think about the people who live the street with what it is.
Before you complain about the distance you have to drive, think about the person the same distance by walking.

Before you show your index finger to blame others, think that the other four fingers are pointing to you and no one who never makes mistakes.
If you are able to think before you complain, then when you're sad and your life in distress.
You will be thankful to the Lord that you were given life.
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