
Friday, March 18, 2011

Glory Can't Survive In The Same Way In Different Periods.

      We often faced the problem that if we already feel confident about something, we like his patented it and reluctant to change with the times and time. Whereas much of a theory does not survive long after someone creates it.

     When troops descendant of  King of  Prussia
Frederick the Great patented military base that remains in use despite 20 years of the king's death. What happened was they lost to Napoleon for his theory of war that have been fragile and has a different philosophy in the days of the time.

Another example :

Parch Fish Syndrome
This long thin fish with sharp teeth, fierce predators that prey on fish smaller. Experiments conducted in this way:

* A clear bell-shaped bottles in water content and type of fish in place in a large aquarium containing a fish Parch. as expected, it Parch fish-anchovy fish attack earlier. But every time the fish Parch do this, with the pain he was banging his nose and face. After trying many times, his final Parch fish stop its attacks and ignore the anchovy earlier.

* Now the interesting part: The examiners dispose clear bell-shaped bottle for its fish-fish can swim freely, but now it does not attack the fish Parch.

* Fish Parch been associated with anchovy pain and unable to adapt to new realities namely "PAIN-FREE" are now easily affordable.

We can pick a valuable lesson from the story above, that is how we do not easily give up, keep trying new things and adaptable to the environment with a theory appropriate to the circumstances and our environment.


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