
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Crab and hermit

One sunny afternoon, it appears a young hermit was meditating under a tree not far from rivers. When being concentrated focus, attention was divided at the time to listen to sage-sounding gurgling irregular.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked towards the river bank where the sound had originated. Apparently, there appears a crab who is trying hard to put all his ability to reach the banks of the river so it is not washed away by the swift river currents.

Seeing this ascetic feel sorry for, he immediately extended his hand towards the crab to help him. Seeing the outstretched hand with the fingers pinched sprightly hermit crabs. While his finger was injured but the hearts hermit crab satisfied because it could save.

Then he went back hermitage. Not long legs crossed and eyes closed. There was again sound the same sound from the direction of the river bank. Apparently, the crabs had been experiencing the same event. Thus, the sage helped him back and let his finger on the crab claws. After that, it turns out crab dragged again. Thus, the sage helped him again so fingers getting swollen with crab claw clasp.

Seeing the incident, there is an old man who came over and admonished the hermit, "Young man, what you did to help is a good reflection of your heart. But why in order to help you let a crab claw crab hurt you to tears like that? "

"Uncle, a crab claws are used to hold objects. And, I'm trained to develop a sense of compassion. So, I do not question the injured finger is provided that can help other beings even if only a crab. "Answered the hermit

Hearing the answer to the hermit, then the old man picked up a twig. He then reached out towards the crab sticks look back against the flow of rivers. Soon the crab with the claws holding the stick. "Look young man, trained to develop the attitude of compassion is good, but must be accompanied by wisdom. If the goal we are good to help other beings, not not have a way to sacrifice yourself. Branch also we can use, right? "

Instantly, the ascetic realized. "Thank you, Uncle. Today I learned something. Developing a love should be accompanied by an uncle taught wisdom. "

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wisdom ( Part 4 )

I must do something to live
( Lee Iacocca )

The first person you should trust is yourself
( Anonymous )

# 1. Do it step by step
# 2. When you feel unable to go again, back to rule number one
( H. Jackson Brown, Jr. )

Sooner or later the victory will belong to those who believe that they will achieve victory.
( Arnold Palmer )

Trying to get better is for the better.
( Charlotte Cushman )

The essence of strategy is to survive.
( Jack Trout )

Aspiring high as the sky, because if you fall, you're still sitting among the stars.
( Anonymous )

Do what you fear to do, then that fear will disappear.
( Ralph Waldo Emerson )

Friday, April 15, 2011

Think before complaining

Today, before you complain about the taste your food, think about someone who does not have anything to eat.

Before you complain do not have anything, think about someone who had to beg in the streets.

Before you complain that you're bad, think about someone who is at its worst in his life.

Before you complain about your partner, think about someone who begged the Lord to be given a life partner.

Before you complain about the fate of your life, think about someone who died too soon.

Before you complain about your children, think about someone who really wants to have children but she was barren.

Before you complain about your dirty house for your helpers fail, think about the people who live the street with what it is.

Before you complain about the distance you have to drive, think about the person the same distance by walking.

And, when you are tired and complain about your job, think about the unemployed and people with disabilities who are looking for a job like you.

Before you show your index finger to blame others, think that the other four fingers are pointing to you and no one who never makes mistakes.

If you are able to think before you complain, then when you're sad and your life in distress.
You will be thankful to the Lord that you were given life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


 Imagine there is a bank that gives loans money USD. 86 400 every morning. All that money you must use. On the evening before the switch day, the bank will remove the rest of the money that you do not use during the day. What would you do with the money? Spending all that money?

Like banks, the Lord also gives us Rp.86.400 in the form of TIME. Every day the Lord will give you 86,400 seconds, at night the rest of the time that you do not use for something useful will be deleted. And no time left that we get much less extra time.

Every day will continue like that, if you use it for good, you will be lucky and if you use it for something that is not useful then you will lose money.

You must live within 86,400 seconds that God has given me this day, the time kept walking and never stopped. Then Invest your time to good health, happiness and success.

To know the value a YEAR, ask a student who fails the next grade.
To know the value a MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth prematurely.
To know the value  a WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly magazine.
To know the importance of an hour, ask the lovers waiting to meet.
To know the importance of a minute, ask the person who missed the train.
To know the value a second time, ask the person who just avoided an accident
To know the value millisecond, ask the Olympic silver medalist.

Appreciate your time, because time never stops and time NEVER ANYONE WAIT.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Accept people the way they are

A student who had just returned from the battlefield to call parents at home. His parents were so happy to hear her son had returned. They immediately ordered him to go home. The young man could not wait any longer to come together with his family for months after he had been on the battlefield.

The young man asked his parents if he could bring his friend to stay with them. The parents agree to it, and anyway they still have an extra room at home. One person certainly not going to bother. "But my friend was defective. He only has one arm and one leg only. "So the young man gave an explanation for his parents was not surprised later.

Hearing this, his parents thought better. They tried to explain to her son. "Should not we take your friend to the nursing care of victims of war? We will take care of any hassles his purposes later. Anyway, you should immediately go home. We really miss you, tomorrow morning we will pick you up. Where do you live now? "Hearing her parents, the young man gave his hotel address and hung up, disappointed.

The next day, the young man's parents pick her up at the hotel and found out that the young man had committed suicide by dropping him through the window. After seeing the body of her son, how heart broken they find out that her son had only one arm and one leg.

Often times we forget that love is to accept someone else entirely unconditional. There is no and there will never be a perfect human being, so they accept what they are and not discriminate each other.


That night at half past twelve the night, a negro woman neatly-old was standing at the edge of the highway Alabama. He was trying to survive the torrential rain, which is almost like a storm. His car is shown being broken and he wanted to hitchhike. In the wet state pole, he tried to stop every passing car. But none of those cars that want to quit.

The next car driven by a young Caucasian. At the stop to help this mother. Apparently the Caucasian was not aware of the ethnic conflicts of the 1960s that occurred at that time. This young man eventually brought the negro mother survived until a place to get help and find the mother of a taxi. Although seen in a hurry, mothers were asked about the young man's address, then write to thank the young man.

Seven days went by and suddenly the door was knocked someone young Caucasians. Surprise coming to him because it turns out a large set of color television shipments sent to his home special. Tucked small letters plastered on television whose contents:

          " Thank you son, for helping me on the highway that night. The rain not only soaked my shirt, but also my soul. Fortunately, you come and help me. Because of your help, I still had to be present on the side of my husband who was dying until his death. God bless you for helping me and are not concerned with yourself at the time. "

Ny. Nat King Cole

Nat King Cole is a famous Negro singer of the 1960s in the U.S.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chicken and Cow

"What's wrong?" Asked a rich man to the maid, "People say to me stingy. Yet everyone knows that if I die, I'll give everything I have to charity and the orphanage! "

"I'll tell fable about chickens and cows." Replies the waiter.

Beef is so popular, while the chicken is not at all. This is very surprising that the Chicken. Chicken said to the cow, "They think you're generous because every heart you give them the cream and milk. But, what about me? I gave everything I had. I gave the meat, I give my feathers. In fact, they cook and make soup with my feet to the broth. Nothing like that. Why is it really so? "

The cow said, "Maybe because I gave it when I was alive, while you give it after you die."

Give and merciful to those around us as God still gives us life, as we are able to do it. Let us not waiting until death.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The story of a bamboo

A beautiful bamboo tree grows yard house of a farmer. Bamboo grows amongst towering stalks of bamboo. One day the farmer came. He said to the bamboo rod, "O, bamboo, will you use to be my plumbing is very useful to irrigate my fields?"

Bamboo rod to answer, "Oh sure I want to when it may be useful for you, sir. But, tell me what would you do to make me into the water pipeline that? "

The farmer replied, "First, I'll cut you to separate you from your beautiful family. Then, I'll throw your branches that can injure the person holding you. After that I will split you apart in accordance with need. Finally I'll throw barriers that exist in your trunk so that water can flow smoothly. When I'm done with my work, you will be a pipe that will drain the water to irrigate my fields so that I planted rice can flourish. "

Hearing this, bamboo sticks stopped. Then he said to the farmer, "Sir, I would feel very hurt when you cut me. Also bound to hurt when you throw my branches, and even more sick again when you are splitting apart my trunk this beautiful and definitely unbearable when you scrape the inside of my body to get rid of barriers that barrier. Would I be strong through all the process,? "

The farmer replied, "O bamboo, you must be strong through it all because I chose you because you are the most powerful of all the bamboo in my yard. So calm down. "

Finally, bamboo rods give up, "All right, sir. I'd love to be useful for you. It's me, cut me, do it according to what you want. "

 Once the farmers are done with work, beautiful bamboo rod that used to only be a trimmer home page has now turned into a water pipeline to irrigate their fields so that rice can flourish.

We realize that with the problems that come and go, maybe the Lord is in the process we become beautiful to Him. Like the bamboo.

God is throwing all our pride and make us more useful in life. And not to worry because God will not give problems that are beyond our power. For indeed all-knowing God is the best for us and God is never in vain in creating something.
As the bamboo sticks, let us say, "Here am I Lord, do it in accordance with which you will, and hopefully bless thee." 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The old advice to his son

When I am old, no longer I that again. Understand, be patient a little to me. When clothes splashing soup, when I forget how to tie shoes, remember how I taught you earlier.

When I repeatedly spoke about something that has fed you hear. Have patience to listen, do not cut talk. When you're small I always repeat the story over and over again to tell me you're sleeping.

When I need to bathe me, do not be mad at me. Remember when I had to put all the little ways that you want to take a bath.

While I do not know a thing about technology and new things, not fun. Think about what time I was so impatient to answer every "why"from you.

While I can not walk, Lending a hand is still strong enough to lead me. As I lead you when you learned to walk when still small.

When I was momentarily forgot our conversation, give me time to remember. Actually what was said to me is not important, as long as you're beside me listening, I've been very happy.

When you look at me the starting age, do not grieve. Understand me, supporting me, as I deal with you when you begin to learn to live. At that time, I gave instructions how to live life, now accompany me to run the rest of my life. Give me the love and patience, I will give you a smile full of gratitude, the smile, there are an infinite love for you.

Mother, beautiful women and best for me and for you all, you unfortunately have never gone out and lost even though we are always disappointed her. Mother, where love of God that comes down through the warm embrace of Mother, gentle hands caress MOTHER, MOTHER words that soothe the soul. Women who are so patiently guide us, teach us and accompany us in this life, LOVE YOU MOTHER will not respond with anything other than our service and our devotion to the Mother. Do not waste your time with the mother. . I love Mother.

Story 4 pieces Candles

Little by little melt down. The atmosphere was so quiet that conversation they heard. The first said, "I am a beauty, but Man is not able to take care of it better if I kill myself alone!" Slowly the first candle goes out.

The second one said, "I am affectionate. But I'm not useful anymore, Humans do not want to know me. For this reason there is no point in me still burning. "Gust of wind put out the second candle.

Sadly the third candle spoke, "I was in love. I could no longer lit, Man no longer look at and think is useful. They hated each other even hate those who love him, hate his family. "

Unexpectedly, a child entered the room and saw the three candles were extinguished. For fear of darkness, he said, "What happened? You must remain on, I'm afraid if the room is dark! "And the boy burst into tears.

Then with a troubled fourth candle said, "Do not be afraid and do not cry, while I'm still around and fired, we can always keep a candle lit another third. I am the HOPE. "With shining eyes, the child took the candle of hope and rekindle the other three candles.

What is HOPE never dies, no matter how small the hope that we have we should never give up to reach out and make it happen. Until we can still turn back the beauty, compassion and love. Hope you guys do not ever put out in the course of a long life and full of challenge. Keep eager to lead you wonderful days.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lost pinkie

Once on a mighty king who like hunting. While hunting, his horse whinny while lifting legs upward. The king was shocked and fell, breaking his little finger. The King was angry. "Please, Your Worship. If taxable calamity try just thankful. "Said an adviser.

King not yield even more angry. With a loud shout, "This stupid adviser jail!" The guards are always abiding taboo to argue, carry out the order. The adviser was thrown in jail.

Five years later, when hunting the King was arrested a primitive tribe. Smooth white gallant men will be dedicated to the god. However, after investigation it turns out his little finger cut off. "Disabled".

Had to be canceled and in lieu bodyguard who is not disabled victimized. Guards were executed and the king sent home. After that the king realized his lack of purpose. Advisers who once imprisoned now released. "I really should be grateful not to have the little finger." said the King, admitted his guilt.

"If only I was not imprisoned by a liege lord maybe he has done as a sacrificial substitute."


When we were given a trial by God, make it a habit to be steadfast and patient to deal with it. God is fair, there must be a better plan and a beautiful behind all the trials and calamities that are given to us.

A flower Value

A man got out of a luxury car parked in front of the public cemetery. The man walked toward the guard post cemetery. After the greeting, the man who turned out the driver said, "Sir, will you meet her? Please sir, because doctors say he will die soon. "

The guard nodded grave was in agreement and walked immediately behind the driver. A woman's tent and tried to smile to guard the tomb, saying,

"I'm Mrs. Steven. I am so far to send money every two weeks to you. I sent the money so you can buy flowers and put it on my children eat. I have come to acknowledge the willingness and kindness of your heart, I want to take advantage of the rest of my life to thank those who have helped me. "
"Oo, so the lady who always send the money? Madam, before I apologize to you. Indeed, money was always my Mrs bought send flowers, but I never put that flower on the grave of your child. "Answer man.

"What, sorry?" She asked angrily.

"Yes, ma'am. I never put the flowers there because in my opinion, the dead will never see the beautiful bunch of flowers. Therefore, every flower that I bought, I give them that exist in hospitals, poor people who I meet or those who are grieving. The people who are still alive so that they can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of flowers, ma'am. "Answered the man.

The woman was silent, then he signaled the driver to leave immediately.

Three months later, a beautiful woman got out of his car and walked gracefully toward the guard post cemetery.

"Good morning, do you still remember me? I'm Mrs. Steven, I have come to acknowledge the advice you gave a few months ago. You are correct that notice and happy they are still alive is much more useful than they mourn the dead. When I directly deliver flowers to the hospital or nursing home, the flowers not only make them happy but I am also happy. Until now, doctors do not know why I can heal, but I truly believe that the joy and hope are the drugs that restore me. "


Mutual love among fellow human beings with the help ourselves ... Because we can not possibly live alone in this world.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Regret (Gift from Dad)

    A young man will soon be inaugurated. Soon he would become a scholar, the end of his labors for several years in college. Some are not the last in passing a showroom and then he fell in love with a sports car from Ford's latest output. For several months he had always imagined that his father later on when graduation would have bought him the car. He believes because he is an only child and her father is very dear to him. He was driving a fancy car, have fun with her friends even told all his dreams to his friends. 

       It's time arrived. That afternoon, after graduation he definitely stepped toward his father stood. The father smiles and with tears welling with emotion revealed how he was proud of his son and how much he loved his son. Then, he took out a parcel, not a lock. With a broken heart, the children received and opened. Behind the wrapping paper, he found a leather-bound Bible that there are genuine and beautifully carved his name with gold ink. The young man became angry and he's raised voice yelled, "Yeah, Dad was very fond of me! With all the money Dad, Dad bought this Bible for me? "Then she slammed the holy book and ran away from his father. His father could not say anything, his heart broken. He stood still to watch thousands of pairs of eyes are present at the time. 

       Year after year passed. The child has become a success. With a brilliant brain capitalize, he managed to become a privileged position. He has a large and luxurious house and surrounded by a beautiful wife and kids are smart. Meanwhile, her father's getting older and living alone. Since the day of graduation, his son walked away and never contact him again. He hopes someday to meet his son, only to convince how much he loves his son. The children were sometimes missed and wanted to meet with his father, but MAGs what happened at the time of graduation he was hurt and vengeful. 

     Until one day came a telegram from the prosecutor's office informing bahw his father had died. Before his father died, he bequeathed all his property to her only child. The children were told to overlook the district attorney and his father's house together to take care of all his assets. As he stepped into the house, her heart suddenly became very sad to remember all the memories during the stay there. He felt very sorry for being rude to his father. With the shadows of the past that danced in her eyes, she tracks all the home stuff. And, when his father opened the safe, nothing to find the holy book that is still wrapped in the same paper a few years ago. With tears, he picked it up and began to open its pages. First page, he read his father's handwriting:
"The best people are those most useful to others. And God is Rich of all that is in this world. "

        Finished reading it, something fell from the back of the holy book. He picked it up, it's the car keys! In the car key chains printed name of the dealer, the same as the first sports car dealership he wanted. He opened the last page of the Bible and found there tucked vehicle registration and other papers. His name was printed there, a car purchase receipt dated the day before graduation day. He ran to the garage and there he found a car encrusted with dust. Although the car was very dirty because it is not touched for years, he still knows the type car. The car that he longed for so many years ago. With rush him to remove the dust on the window and peered into the car. The interior of the car was new. Plastic wrap the seat and wheel, there is a photograph on the dashboard. Images father is smiling proudly, he suddenly limp and sat beside the car. Unbearable tears, flowing accompany a sense of regret that can not be treated. 


How expensive and valuable items we are missing, but not sorry as if we lose people we love (before we apologized to him).